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How to win free N4000 jumia voucher card to buy anything

Get a free whooping N4000 jumia voucher coupon code to buy any goods or products on jumia app or website, the voucher can also be used to purchase airtime or data of your choice.

What’s jumia voucher

Jumia voucher is a special code, created to use only on the jumia app or website to reduce the amount of goods to a lower price or to get discount on any goods sold by jumia. Interesting right? What if we get those codes for free.

Jumia the biggest online shopping company in Africa is currently doing a partnership program with standard chartered Bank, to give out free jumia voucher code to Their customers to celebrate and enjoy the ongoing jumia black Friday offers.

The N4000 voucher is sponsored and provided by standard chartered Bank to gain more customers to use Thier bank app and services, but in partnership with jumia.

To be able to enjoy this offer you have to be a registered member on standard chartered Bank and jumia, to be eligible to get this free voucher code.

Requirements to get the N4k Voucher

How to get the N4k Jumia Voucher

  1. First Download and register on standard chartered mobile bank app
  2. Top up your account with at least N4000 on standard chartered app
  3. Create a jumia Account if you don’t have before
  4. Then come back here and fill this form with your Active email and phone number
  5. After filling the form wait for about 72hrs, you will get mailed of your N4000 voucher codes

How to redeem the voucher code to buy anything on jumia

  • Download & register on jumia app
  • Now find the goods you want to buy
  • Select and click on checkout
  • Scroll down, you will see where to enter voucher code, enter the codes sent to you
  • Viola you done,redeeming the voucher codes.

Frequently asked questions

  1. Campaign period is between Nov 7 – 27th, hurry and get yours
  2. Offer is only available for new customers of standard chartered Bank
  3. The voucher codes are only valid between November 7th – 31st of January 2021
  4. You must use same details you used for creating your standard chartered Bank account to fill the form
  5. Your standard chartered must be funded before you can receive the voucher codes to buy any goods on jumia or data and airtime.
  6. The voucher can only be used one time only
  7. You can withdraw back the funds you deposited on standard chartered Bank after you get your voucher codes
  8. Its 100% free to get the voucher, just follow the steps.


By doing the above task and following the instructions you should be able to get your personal jumai 4k voucher to buy and shop on jumia for free without no stress or issues.

Mr Gan

Mr Gan is a certified Tech Expert: Web Developer, pro-blogger, UI UX, Cyber security and also Digital marketing via the use of SEO, His skills have earned him both local and international badges, as well as countless proof of successful work.

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